Friday 28 January 2011


In conclusion to this project i am quite pleased with how some of my posters have turned out, the brotherhood of steel posters in particular because i like the colours that are used in this poster, the vault 101 poster was the poster i wasn't entirely pleased with.

Vault 101 poster

Because i had already used 3 posters for each of the factions i decided that my final poster would be based on vault 101 (this is the place you start off at the start of the game, it is a place of safety) i decided to use words only and the main reason for this is because then the audience will  channel their full attention to the words on the poster.

3rd Brotherhood of steel poster

i decided that in this poster i would put the emphasise on more striking words than pictures ,i used the same colours as i did in the previous 2 posters because i feel that these turned out very well and i liked the look of them as well. i used the same logo i used in the precious 2 posters in this poster as well.

Thursday 27 January 2011

2nd Brotherhood of steel poster

For this poster i continued to use the same style as the last, black background and the same white and red text, i also used the logo that i made for this faction aswell. i think the red and white stands out very well and the red is very striking.

1st Brotherhood of Steel Poster

For the brotherhood of steel posters i decided to present them in a patriotic sort of way. I also manipulated a  american flag for the logo of the brotherhood, i changed the colours in this poster as well so it caught the eye a bit more. In the text i used white and then red writing to emphasise certain words.

3rd Enclave poster

for this poster i once again went with the minimalistic approach because i did not want to crowd it to much incase the emphasise of certain parts of the poster where not as striking. i decided to use very strong words in this poster like eradication, i also decided to add the colour red to some words as well to add more emphasise to the poster. so people will concentrate on the parts that i want them to.

2nd Enclave Poster

For this Poster i went for the simplistic look and add some emphasise in certain areas, i used this emphasise when i underlined enclave and when i change the font colour of the word infestation to lighter so it would stand out the most on the poster cause it is the key word in this poster, i think that the simplicity of this poster works very well and i feel the words used are strong and bold enough on their own without needing posters to support them.

1st Enclave Poster

For my Enclave posters i decided to try and create quite a clean cut image because they are the faction with the most technology available to them. The E in the top left corner is the symbol for the Enclave and this symbol will appear on each of the Enclave posters, i used photoshop to manipulate this image and change the colours so it stood out a bit more against the black background.

3rd Mutant Poster

For my third mutant poster i am once again going to use skulls in the posters, i think this is a pretty good continuing factor in the mutant posters because when people think of mutants they think of the brutality of them. In this poster I will use the slogan "we are the future" this is to get people to try and believe that the only way of survival is by joining the mutants.

Wednesday 26 January 2011

2nd Mutant Poster

For my 2nd mutant poster i am going to show the hatred the mutants have for the brotherhood of steel ,and in this poster they will be trying to add more fear to their enemies they are facing.
I will use a skull for the centre piece of this poster this add another element of fear, i am also going to lay this poster out with a centre alignment so more emphasise will be on the skull.

Monday 24 January 2011

Ideas For Mutant Posters

 1st Poster - For my 1st Poster it will just be writing, well more scratches that writing, this is because i could imagine a mutant scratch something onto something else rather than write it.

The Poster Will read the words "Fight the brotherhood ,Win the War" ,im not to sure on the background yet but these will be the words on the poster.

What will i base these posters on

Brotherhood of Steel : I will use the U.S.A's take on propaganda by using the same style they used for 'Uncle Sam' Posters because i feel that the Brotherhood are the more patriotic faction in the game.


Mutants : i actually feel like i will make these posters more animalistic (slashes, Rips_ because mutants will not have the technology to make clean cut posters e.g there will be rips on the outskirts of the posters to make them look that bit more rough and rigid. I don't really have an inspiration for the way i am going to approach this but i know how i am going to

The Enclave : I will approach this faction with the knowledge that they have no mercy for anyone or anything that opposes them, their posters will try to encapsulate fear in their posters above all else.


I will Present each faction in a certain way

Mutants : I will Portray the mutant faction not as clean cut as the other 2 factions, not fonts but more scribbles and slashes on the posters for the words as they do not have technology to write correct letters or how we would interpret them, and also anything that isn't a mutant will be their enemy

Brotherhood Of Steel : These will be portrayed as a more patriotic faction, they are more with trying to find peace and ending all the killings and murders but have the force necessary to counter any attack on them.

The Enclave : These will be portrayed as a race that see themselves as a more highly than everything else and generally consider most people outside the enclave to be mutants that are only fit for extermination rather than trying to help, and this will be portrayed in my posters.  
Here is a video of the Enclave to show you what they look like

Fallout 3

These are how fallout 3 images look, and i will try and add this sort of tone to some of the fallout posters because i think this will add some atmosphere to the posters

Fallout 3

I have decided to move forward with my Fallout 3 idea, mainly because there are a lot of different options for each poster i wont be struggling to come up with 10 ideas for the posters, so i will now begin to come up with ideas for the posters

Red Alert
this is this trailer for red alert 2 and the sort of things that i will use for the soviet posters

Sunday 23 January 2011

Plus and Negatives of Red Alert and Fallout 3

Red Alert Positives :
  • There are 3 different games ,all with expansion packs so getting inspiration for the posters wont be difficult.
  • A lot of history is involved in the games and i could use this in my posters.
  • Am extremely familiar with the designs that are usually involved in what soviet posters look like.
  • Their are a lot of different countries in the game to use.
  • I could use iconic Landmarks and show them destroyed.
Red Alert Negatives :
  • Only 2 factions in game, Soviet and Allies
  • Posters may become repetitive
  • because i have played games so long i will probably follow their designs closely
  • Posters my become repetitive
I will look at fallout 3's positives and negatives now 

Fallout 3 Positives :
  • There are 3 main Factions so posters will not be repetitive
  • The 3 Factions are very different in their styles
  • Very large storyline so their is a lot of different things to use in posters
  • Was always interested in the Fallout 3 Artwork and design
  • Feel i can get 10 posters out of this alot easier that red alert 3
Fallout 3 Negatives :
  • Will take a long time to make posters for fallout
These are in my opinion in the positives and negatives for these 2 ideas

My Final Ideas

I have cut the number of ideas I have though of down to two, these 2 are red alert and fallout 3, the reason I am not going to attempt to do the deus ex posters is because i don't feel that there is the required number of factions in the story, and i also feel that the posters would become repetitive, with the same styles.
I have not made my final decision on these last 2 ideas (fallout 3 and red alert) but i will take some time and do more research into sort of things i could include
Red alert 2 poster Z1GW11445

this is the sort of colours that i would be using if i were to use the red alert idea, one of the many reasons i might be using this idea is because of the colours that are used in the red alert series because the colours are all focuses on red's and orange's and i think i could do something similiar to this.

Propaganda Ideas

For my project i had quite a few different ideas. Here are some of the main ones -
Fallout 3 :
The reason that i have chosen fallout 3 for one of my ideas is because i feel that the factions in the game already have the basis for a very good project. Also because i have played this game at length I feel that i have a good and in depth understanding of the factions and the atmosphere of the game.
Once of the main reasons i had the idea for fallout 3 was because i feel that the factions in the game are so good and feel that if presented correctly they will make posters of the necessary quality.
The 3 factions that made me choose this game are :
The Enclave
The Brotherhood of Steel

I feel that with these 3 factions I will both be able to create the quality of poster required but the quantity as well.

Command and Conquer -  Red Alert:
Another idea i had for my propaganda posters is the command and conquer red alert trilogy. One of the main reasons for my decision to choose this is because i feel that i could portray the soviet and ally factions extremely well. Probably the main reason for me choosing this for one of my ideas is to portray the soviet posters because i have always had a fascination with the Red Alert games and i also like the colours and the style of the posters as well.

Deus Ex - I feel that this would be a more challenging task if i picked this particular idea for my final idea, because getting all of the posters to link in well with each other would be challenging ,and also getting 10 posters from this particular idea, but on the other hand because of the futuristic style and the looks/ main colours of the game, it could also be a very good project, and because i played this game a lot when i was younger i have an extensive knowledge of this particular game.